Thursday, 11 July 2013

Manchester International Festival and other Treats

So I'm back in Manchester to work at the International Festival and the running theme seems to be sensory overload.  From the fantastic pastels of Festival Square to the high energy of the show I am working on  Massive Attack vs Adam Curtis, the intimacy of Macbeth (I haven't watched it yet but there is a lovely Manchizzle review here)

In addition to the new festival friends I'm making and experiences I am having, I am obviously also taking time out to catch up with friends and my favourite creative places around the city.  In particular my hosts Laura and Nick are magnificent and Cornerhouse/Library Theatre Co./Home friends are welcoming as always.

As always I have been updating my film blog too, and my review of Stories We Tell which I saw last week should be up in the next couple of days.

So here's a few things I've been up to for the first 10 days.

Where I've Been & What I've Seen: Robert Martin Exhibition -Taurus Bar, Vimto sculpture - Umist Campus, Sackville Park, Olive, Festival Square & Pavillion (feat. Drunk at Vogue Drag Queens and assorted musicians), Gingers Comfort Emporium (Chortlon Crack Ice Cream - intriguing), Stories We Tell (excellent) & Anguish & Enthusiasm exhibition at Cornerhouse, MOSI including the Cosgrove Hall Exhibition (also featuring stop motion animators Mackinnon & Saunders), John Rylands Library, Manchester Library (a girl sometimes needs to email), The Old Woman, Massive Attack Vs Adam Curtis and a few things I'm sure I've forgotten.

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