Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Resolutionary road!

Popularly considered a time when we set ourselves impossible goals I usually try and make January a time when I focus on one or two specific things I have been meaning to get round to.

One year I made a concerted effort to save money and eat more healthily by making sure I always took a packed lunch to work. It was a great year for pre-prepared soups, healthy noodle dishes and, okay, a lot of baked potatoes – but hey that’s definitely one I’ll pick up again and is much more fun than going to the gym as a way of staying healthy.

But my big 2 resolutions are to considerably reduce my lateness and to watch every film nominated for an Oscar this year. The first one is just purely because I am fed up of myself and I hope will have the knock on effect that if I will just get more done with my life. And the second is that if I am going to set myself a ridiculous goal and balance out the whole healthy eating kick – I feel I need to be grand, ambitious and sedentary! Also that one is done by March which is about as long as my attention span for resolutions is likely to last.

Watch this space for progress, here’s to a leaner, more punctual, more square eyed me.

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